Ways to Find Work After Rehab

If you’ve recently progressed through alcohol or drug rehab and have learned how to cope with and manage your    Infographic job search diagram for aftercare.

 addiction, you should feel like a new person. Getting through drug or alcohol treatment can be difficult and will invariably come with numerous obstacles that need to be overcome. Many people who are able to successfully progress through drug rehab find that a weight has been lifted from their shoulders once they leave. However, most of these same individuals quickly discover that there are numerous struggles that they will need to overcome in the real world as well, the primary of which is finding a job. While it might seem overwhelming to enter into a job search following drug or alcohol treatment, there are numerous guidelines that will make it easier to find work after rehab. 

Determine What Kind of Job You Want to Pursue


The first thing to focus on after completing a drug or alcohol rehab program is identifying what kind of job you want to pursue. While you should definitely broaden your scope when trying to find work after rehab, it’s still important that you have a general idea of what you’d like to do with your work, which should make the job search more straightforward. It’s also recommended that you focus on doing something that’s enjoyable to you. 


While some additional training and education might be necessary, working at a job that you actually enjoy will keep stress down and will make it easier to get the results that you want following rehab. It’s also important to understand that working at a job that frustrates you makes it more likely that you will relapse in the future. If you enjoy cooking, consider working at a restaurant. If you’re more interested in fashion, there are many different settings that allow you to explore and delve into this type of job. By knowing what kind of job you want to pursue, your job search will be more focused and regimented. 

Make Sure That You Update Your Resume

Resume, trying to find a job during aftercare.Once you’ve made a decision on the type of job you would like to pursue, it’s time to make the necessary updates to your resume. The resume that you write should correlate with the type of work you want to do and the job that you’re pursuing. If you happen to be applying for a job as a cook at a local restaurant, it’s important that your resume reflects the kinds of characteristics and job experience that a restaurant is looking for. In most cases, this means that any experience you might have as a cook should be emphasized within the resume. 

If you don’t have much experience for this job role, you should focus on mentioning some of your characteristics that you believe a restaurant would appreciate in a cook, which include everything from being a leader to being able to take criticism. If you’re applying for the position of a line cook, you’ll need to display that you have great time management skills and that you can stand up for lengthy periods of time without needing a break. 

If your resume is tailored to the type of job that you’re applying for, you’ll have a much better chance of getting an interview. Once at the interview, you can use your communication skills in a way that’s not possible on a resume, which is why it’s important that the resume is well-written and thorough. Keep in mind that you will invariably have a gap within your resume since you’ve been attending rehab in the recent months or even years. When updating a resume, you don’t need to fill in these gaps with an explanation. In the event that a prospective employer asks you about this gap, don’t hesitate to provide them with a simple explanation. However, you shouldn’t provide them with too many details since doing so is unnecessary. 

Set Realistic Expectations

Before you set out to find work after rehab, you need to set realistic expectations for yourself and this process. Finding  Meet and greet. Setting job search expectations during aftercare. a job is difficult for anyone, which shouldn’t be viewed as a bad thing. You shouldn’t expect to be given numerous interview opportunities immediately after you’ve sent out your first batch of resumes. If you set realistic expectations, you’ll be able to avoid frustration and should be able to more effectively cope with the inherent difficulties that come with finding a job. 

Patience is absolutely essential if you want to get through the job search without experiencing too many hurdles. During your search, it’s recommended that you focus on maintaining your sobriety, which is even more important than finding a job. When you’re looking to set realistic expectations, make sure that you do so for the type of job that you want. For instance, don’t hesitate to take a part-time job or entry-level position at the beginning. In time, you’ll likely be able to get an even better job. However, saying no to the first opportunities that you’re given will make it all the more difficult for you to land any job in the future. 

You should also try to detach yourself from the outcomes that will occur during your job search. It’s perfectly fine if you land an interview but aren’t called back afterwards. This happens with everyone and shouldn’t be seen as abnormal. In most situations, finding a job is a lengthy process with many ups and downs, which is why it’s important to keep emotions steady throughout the entirety of this process. 

Update Your Skills

Upon completing a drug or alcohol treatment program, you should consider updating your job skills to open up new job possibilities. There are a myriad of certificates and education programs that can help you bolster your skills and increase the chances of landing a job that you want. Sharpening your skills now will make it more difficult for a prospective employer to overlook you in the future. Any individuals who haven’t obtained a diploma or GED should consider going back to school to receive these diplomas. Even a non-credited certificate course may be able to provide you with the education necessary to help you get the job that you want. 

Consider Obtaining Extra Assistance

There are many fantastic resources that offer extra assistance to people who have recently completed a rehab program. For instance, an organization known as America in Recovery will help people find employment after rehab. This help comes in the form of online job boards that are able to pair an individual with a company that’s open to providing employees with second chances. There are also many additional resources that are just like America in Recovery and can help you find work if you’ve been having difficulties doing so. These programs include temp agencies, unemployment offices, the “One Stop Career Center” at The Department of Labor, and The National Skills Coalition. 

Additional Tips on Finding Work After Drug or Alcohol Rehab

Word cloud job hunting during aftercare.There are also some additional tips that should assist you in finding work after rehab. First of all, it’s important that you always maintain a professional image, which means that you should be neatly groomed appropriately dressed at every job interview that you’re given. You might also want to consider turning to friends and family for work opportunities. They may have the perfect job for you. With these tips and guidelines in mind, your search for a job after rehab should be much less complicated. 

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